Enbecom Blog

You may have heard in the last few days about a serious security vulnerability affecting many sites and services on the Internet called ‘Heartbleed’.  It’s quite a big problem for many sites and web technologies.

We’re pleased to confirm that NO sites hosted on Enbecom servers have this vulnerability.  Our servers do not use the vulnerable version of the OpenSSL software.

However, we strongly recommend that if you are using the same password for managing your Enbecom website, using FTP or email etc, as you use for any other websites/services you use elsewhere, you should change your website/FTP/email passwords that you are using with us.  Even though your website hosted with us is not directly affected by this vulnerability, many websites around the world are affected by it – and this might include sites and services you use and have given information to.  So, information could be stolen from those other places, if attackers managed to do it.

Don’t worry if we chose your passwords – they were randomly put together.

Please look out for any advice from websites and services you use, about whether you should change your passwords with them.

Please note: the information in this post is correct to the best of our endeavours and knowledge at the original time of publication. We do not routinely update articles.